Sunday, May 19, 2019

2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt Along - Section 6

Admins and moderators have been working diligently behind the scenes, in advance of release dates, to write the tutorials we have been posting to help members be successful in their endeavor to complete this Gypsy Wife Quilt.

Personally, I have averaged approximately 2 hours per block… taking into consideration time needed to choose fabrics, sew blocks, assemble sections, all the while photographing and documenting work and then writing the tutorials.

With my husband retired this year we have a busy summer/fall season planned.  Unfortunately the section release dates often coincide with our plans.  I may or may not have access or the ability to post tutorials on release dates because of those plans.   Therefore, I have been working overtime… early morning and late into the night… to have the tutorials completed for you.  Sue Schulz has agreed to post them for me in the event that I am unable. 

I have been reluctant to share my work beyond the current section release as I don’t want to frustrate those who are behind or struggling to keep up. Yet it has been killing me to hold off sharing as I am excited as I finish each part. I asked the other admins and moderators and they said I should post and share my hard work. Think of it as inspiration and a reflection of my commitment to your success. 

I am so pleased to now share with you my Section 6.    Here it is pictured below my Sections 1-5.

I have struggled with flowing the colors down and across the
I have limited number of fabrics in certain color ranges and my goal for this one is not to mix each color range up, too
much.  I have not attached 5 or 6 to the “mother ship” because I am considering changes that I will post about in the future.

We have divided this section into three parts… left, center and right.  This will enable members to make a few blocks over the next three months rather than struggle to make all 21 blocks in one month.   Details of our plan will post when we get closer to our June 1 release date.

This has truly been an adventure for me and I look forward to seeing everyone’s completed work.

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