Friday, January 20, 2017

En Provence.... assembly begins

Now that all the parts are made it's time to assemble this quilt.
First... one block at a time.  These blocks finish at just 8in each in the quilt.... 72 pieces per block!   Yes... they are tiny!

Second... assemble the sashing blocks.

Here I have laid out blocks and sashings to get an idea of how this will look.

Here is the top left quadrant of the quilt... with the first border added.

And now, the first quadrant with the second border added.
yes, I have fixed that wayward HST near the second pink star on the left.

This quarter of the quilt is only 22inches square... which will result in a quilt of only 44inches... too small to hang on the brackets in my living room.  I need to add another 10 inches!  I have some ideas and will have to play with them once this center is assembled.