I have been informed, by my very good friend Sara, thank you very much! that Google Reader will be disappearing on July 1. Yes, like many others, I've heard about it here and there, but didn't pay any attention because I had no idea what it meant or how it would affect me... I figure, ignore stuff and deal with it later.... not necessarily the best plan of attack... but good tech savy friends like Sara hit me over the head, scare me with what is to happen, and keep things moving smoothly for me by telling me how to solve the problem before it happens!
Sara explained to me that Google Reader is what we have been using to follow all the different quilty blogs we love....who knew??? Not me!
That list of blogs will no longer be available! YIKES! How would I ever find all my favorites once they disappeared??!!!
Thank goodness, Sara has done the research for me (YAY!!!) She has tested several other available "programs??" and decided that Bloglovin' is the easiest and best available alternative. She put a link on her blog, told me to click it, and set up an account there. Magically (automatically) my blog list will continue to live on there!
SO.... if you would like to continue following my posts (and I hope you do!) click on the Bloglovin' icon at the top right of the page, follow the simple directions and we can still stay connected!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Love Entwined
I'm not sure how I got there, but I recently found myself on Esther's Blog. She is preparing an 18month long BOM reproducing her version of an antique applique coverlet, Love Entwined.
There is no clear picture of what this will look like yet, but there is a lot of chatting going on over at her yahoo group about it. So I have been watching and waiting and trying to decide whether or not to attempt this, or not. Esther does explain on her blog that this is definitely NOT a quilt for the faint hearted (or beginner).

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I stopped at Hobby Lobby today to get some Heat & Bond lite for a different project. After locating it hanging on the wall, I turned around to find this:
My colors are a bit different, and I won't be sure they will work until the pattern is released, but I think I have now committed to do this project!
I can still change my mind though. She will also be releasing a second BOM that will be simpler, which may be what I use these fabrics for instead.
Hop on over to her blog and check things out.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Lakeside Get-away

Our first stop was to unload and launch the boat where the guys could then cruise across the lake to our cabin.

The early morning view with the "smoke" rising off the lake and mountains was phenomenal!
I worked on several projects throughout the week...
I thought I brought along fabric and parts (HSTs) for Orca Bay Step 5, but all I had was the fabric. So I cut the 350 triangles...and the sewing will have to wait until I find time at home.

After adding the final border, I forgot to take a picture out on the porch deck. Now that I'm home, my floor space isn't big enough to lay it out, and it's raining outside today, but here is a picture of one corner showing all the borders.

I also stopped and picked up some fabrics to work with. Back at the cabin I cut and stitched some pinwheel blocks but wasn't happy with the results. I think the pinwheels are too strong and overwhelm the floral print. Plan B is to make 9-patches using some white on white and the matching green I was going to use for the backing and use the pink and blue as the center square... hoping it will all play together better.
The water was a bit on the chilly side for me, but that didn't stop Matthew from going for a swim.
The fishing wasn't exceptional, but we did catch a couple of bass... enough for dinner one night.
This guy came swimming by nightly looking for bread scraps. He and three others were brought to the area when a gentleman from Florida relocated nearby several years ago. His companions are gone and he refuses to stay in the pond he was relocated to. So the locals and tourists feed and take care of him.
It was a very relaxing and much needed vacation.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Totals 2013 May
The biggest and best accomplishment for the month of May was being there for my daughter and the birth of my second grandson. Everything went better than expected and all are well. I completed quilts for both the new baby and big brother... just in time!
I also helped her finish up the necessary sweat-equity hours with Habitat for Humanity and she will be closing on her new home in June.

.....05.....customer tops quilted (YTD 33).....01.....customer quilts bound (YTD 09)
.....01.....flimsy completed waiting for quilting (florabunda)
.....00.....quilted flimsy (YTD 9 )
.....08.....hand-work hours (62 YTD )
Lucky Charms wall hanging (1/21/13)
Basket Sampler Welcome wall hanging (2/15/13)
Knitted afghan (3/20/13)
Scrap Mania quilt (3/19/13)
Orange/Blue Jelly Roll quilt (3/18/13)
Hope Academy Banner (3/27/13)
Jaxson's quilt (3/22/13)
Baltimore Album (4/5/13)
Civil War Snowball (4/5/13)
Big Brother Quilt (5/7/13)
Projects in Progress
Spring Wall Hanging....backing prepared. preparing flowers for applique
Sweet & Sassy.....9 blocks completed, sashed and quilt corner assembled
Assemble Matthew's Puppies... blocks complete, needs sashing/assembly
Novelty Quilt... blocks cut, need assembly
Happiness Key...background complete, needs applique/embroidery
Disappearing 4 patch
Bonnie Projects in Progress
.....01.....cheddar bowties blocks hand-pieced (YTD 1 of 81) ... (81 of 162 in 2012)
.....00.....cheddar bowtie rows stitched (YTD 0 .... 9 of 18 in 2012)
.....49.....Orca Bay Step 1 hourglass blocks made (YTD 49 plus 21 in 2012) total 70 of 112
....done...Orca Bay Step 2 3.5in string blocks made (completed in 2012 )
....done...Orca Bay Step 3 2in HSTs (YTD 55 plus120 in 2012) total 175
.....done..Orca Bay Step 4 5.5in string blocks (YTD 08 plus 24 of 32 in 2012) total 32
.....00.....Orca Bay Step 5 cut 350 triangles and stitch to part 3 (0 of 175)
.....00.....Orca Bay Step 6 cut 2.5in squares and assemble Ohio Stars (0)
..done.....Floribunda Blocks assembled into flimsy and ready to quilt!
..............Talkin Turkey..... 2 blocks complete plus parts
..............Midnight Flight....1 block complete plus parts
..............Winston Ways... 2 blocks complete plus parts
..............Easy Street Steps 1-8 Completed in 2012
...done...Easy Street inner border cut and attached
............. Easy Street 2nd border: square in square blocks (108 of 116 YTD
............. Easy Street final purple border
Friday, June 7, 2013
Last year, with Bonnie's permission, I cut kits and stitched up a couple of quilt blocks using her pattern, Floribunda, to offer as a class for FCE Craft day. The extra kits and fabric I have been using as one of several leader/ender projects. I finally have 20 blocks complete and assembled the quilt several weekends ago... I've just been too busy to get around to posting this. Unfortunately, I didn't refer back to the pattern before assembling and I slanted all the blocks in the same direction instead of alternating to make an "X". Oh well, it's done and I like it anyway!
Now I must find fabric for a backing.
Now I must find fabric for a backing.
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