Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy Easter... ok I'm a little late, but...

Well, my posts are always going to be a little late.  I blog about stuff after it happens... too busy having fun to stop in the middle to share!

The Saturday before Easter I was running around trying to clear off the infamous dining room table... again.  It seems to be a catch-all for everything but the kitchen sink!  We only use it as a dining table for family dinners at holidays or special occasions, so it just becomes the dumping spot and worktable for paying bills and organizing taxes (got them to the accountant on Friday! Whew!)... Nope.. no before picture here... wait a few months, errr... weeks, errr... days... and then it will be back to normal again! LOL! 
Doing this while babysitting my three-year-old grandson was a bit challenging, but I got the job done and we did get to enjoy dinner at the table!  In the midst of cleaning I got a phone call from my youngest daughter saying that the Easter Bunny was available for pictures at the local flea market so bring the grandson over. 

There is  only one store remaining at one end of the old Cookeville Mall... JCPenny.  All the others have moved cross-town to the new shopping area.  The owners want to knock everything down and build something new, but it's my understanding that Penny's won't let them break the lease/contract because they and their customers like this location.  So, while that fight drags on, the owners have leased out the remaining mall area to a Flea Market. Chain link cages have been errected throughout the interior to make something like 400 booths!

 You can buy just about anything there!  Some vendors are there for one weekend to sell yardsale stuff... others are local stores and shops setting up for some extra exposure.  There are also crafters, antiques, knives, purses, quilts, food  items... you name, you can probably find it.  With a three-year-old in tow I didn't get many pictures.  But I did spot the hand-pieced/hand-quilted wedding ring quilt, and this machine-pieced/hand-quilted pink and shirting quilt.  The backing was shirting too!... It was worn and faded in spots and if it is still there next weekend maybe I'll get a chance for a closer look without the grandson in tow.   I also saw this old rusted New Home Sewing machine tucked in among jars of marbles, silverware and old keys.  No time to stop and investigate as up ahead the grandson spotted balloon lady!

She was dancing around and waving her balloons
crafting them into animals and shapes for the kids... 
He just wanted to look... not touch!

Finally he saw Mr. Easter Bunny... sitting in his wicker throne with a basket of candy at his feet.  The purpose of the trip was for a picture with the big guy himself.  Although the basket of candy was very enticing, there was no way he was going to sit on the bunny lap for a picture!

Oh well, maybe next year!

My big find of the day was this teapot I spotted on the way out the door!  It looks like a sewing machine!  I had a miniature one of these but the top got lost in the newspaper wrapping when we moved.  The booth owner wasn't there and I couldn't hang around all that glass stuff with an active three-year-old, so I bribed my daughter into coming back and bartering for me!  It now sits next to my Easter table centerpiece!

Hope you enjoyed your Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Cute teapot!
    My youngest DD did not like the Easter bunny at the mall either. She still thinks they are creepy. She says a giant rabbit is bad enough, but those mesh things by the eyes are really weird. Better luck with DGS. :)
    Sounds like you had a good day.
