Thursday, August 1, 2019

2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt - Section 7 Square in a Square Pinwheel Center.

The directions for making this 5" Square in a square with Pinwheel center begin on page 22 lower right hand corner.

But first, we need to go to page 19 right hand column to find the cutting measurements for the center  2.5in pinwheel.

Cut your squares, cut on the diagonal and pair up the triangles.

Sew the triangles into Half Square Triangles and lay out in pinwheel fashion

Pair the HSTs and sew two rows, being careful to orient the HSTs properly.

Sew the two halves together to form the center pinwheel block.

On page 22 lower right hand column you will find the measurements and cutting directions for cutting the first border. 

On page 23 top left hand column you will find the measurements and cutting directions for the squared border.

Add the first border by sewing the strips top and bottom; then the two sides.


To add the squared border sew triangles on top and bottom, then the two sides to complete this block.


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