Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt Along - Section 1 Summary and helpful links

I probably should have posted these links earlier, but now that the facebook page has been launched, I've had time to go back through and review.

I have updated my pages to add some hints that helped FB members as they worked their way through making the blocks.

Many people found this Coloring sheet  and/or these All Sections Expanded Templates   helpful in planning and choosing fabrics for their quilt.

This  Section 1-5 Table of Contents  is a great tool for deciphering the pattern diagrams and determining which size blocks to make for each of the Sections 1-5.  We will make a similar chart for Sections 6-10 when we get farther along.

Mistakes happen, and the designer and printer have provided an 
Errata Page  to help you correct your pattern book.  Just print it out and you can paste it in/over the incorrect section.

When we get to Section 3, we have an updated errata page for the Square-in-a-square-in-a-square block that has been omitted on page 24 bottom right.

We have several admins who are posting on their individual blogs (just like I am doing here) and making the tutorials available on the FB page under the "Files" tab in the form of downloadable PDF files.  Apparently, that is causing some confusion for some members.   We are working on a plan to reduce that bit of confusion. 

People learn differently, not everyone can read and understand a pattern.  We have one admin blogger who has made videos on block construction.  You must be logged into the facebook page to view them, so join up and click on this link....  Videos for block construction.

Overall, I feel the launch has been a success.   

We have had to post several reminders about not posting measurements.  We are doing our best to protect the designer's copyright.    The same rule applies to pictures with rulers/mats that can be used to determine sizes.  Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people in the world who do not want to honor the designers efforts by purchasing the pattern and would rather gather tidbits of information to make the quilt.

I am encouraged by the positive feedback from members thanking us for our hard work and help in assisting them when problems come up.  I have really enjoyed the entire process and I look forward to beginning work on Section 2 and getting ready to share with you again on March 2.

Welcome and many thanks to my new followers joining in on this adventure.  

While awaiting our next launch, I have some personal projects that I will be working on as well as customer tops to quilt.  I'll tell you about them over the next couple weeks.


  1. After reading the pattern several times, I realized that the most challenging blocks where at the beginning, and the easier ones toward the end. I could not possibly have figured out all these "what is where?" issues without the help this group is offering. Thank you!

  2. It was a challenge figuring block sizes throughout the quilt. Now that it's done, we hope the section constructions will go well. It's been so much fun working with individuals and helping them overcome difficulties.
