Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt Along... preparing

If you are planning to join along you should have your pattern, or at least have it ordered and on the way.

I hope you have pulled some fabrics and are thinking about your colors and placement using the  coloring sheet I posted earlier.

Clean and oil your machine and put in a fresh needle.  

Clear your table and put a fresh blade in your rotary cutter

It won't be long before we start.... February 2nd.  At that time we will be posting links to blogs or PDF files that demo how to make each block.  You will have to refer to the pattern for measurements as we are not allowed to violate the copyright.  

Come join me on the facebook page for more tips and information, discussions and pictures of other members fabric choices.  

2019 Gypsy Wife Quilt Along

Don't be concerned that you are behind... Several experienced quilters that have their patterns have already made some blocks to test their accuracy.  Check out my earlier blog for tips on accuracy.


  1. Thanks, HM, one question I have is the width of the strips no the blocks. On the back of the pattern it says one thing and in the pattern it says another. Could you help me out and say which is correct? I spent some time today picking fabrics for my red, white and blue quilt.

    1. Sharon... the fabric requirement strips listed on the back is so that you have a large variety of strips for the background. Those strips will be cut down as indicated in the pattern... Note that there are two different sized strips in the pattern. If you are cutting from yardage... be sure to cut your strips the correct size and save yourself from having to cut them smaller later.
