Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Quilting at the Barn
It's been about a month since I drove up to Clarkrange to Becky's Barn for a "Sweet & Sassy" class by designer JP Anderson. Life sort of happened and posting has been delayed.
I forgot to bring my camera, but if you visit Becky's blog, I am sure she will have additional pictures up soon.
She made crockpot full of chili and a chicken casserole for our lunch break. Delicious!
Here are some pictures of my project...
I cut fabric strips from a plaid shirt and some lavender Kona Cotton I had in my stash that never got used for another project, and using the Sweet' N Sassy Templates by Creative grids I made the rhombus 4 patches.
The sashing and setting triangles were also cut from some Kona Cotton.
I wasn't too sure about my color choice for the setting triangles....
until I found this fabric for the borders and backing in Becky's shop! Perfect! It brings together all the colors from the shirting.
Thanks Becky and JP for a great day!
Monday, May 20, 2013
More Water Troubles
Two ago, we were forced to replace the waterline from the road to the house. A very high meter reading told us we had a leak, but we had no visible signs of water anywhere! Turns out, the leak was under the concrete slab and the water was draining into the ground under the house. We located a plumber who dug up the front lawn and ran a new line and connection into the house, capping off the old line. Thankfully, that took care of the problem and our water bills went back to normal.
Three weeks ago I was out mowing the front lawn and and stepped into a big mushy puddle out near the meter. UGH! I called the water department, and sure enough, there was a leak... this time on the City's side of the meter and they would make the repair at no cost to us. Since then, we have had day after day after day of rain until, finally, it was dry enough today for them to do the work.
Imagine my surprise when I returned from walking Toby to find them digging a hole across the street! Turns out, the leak was under the road somewhere and they had to replace the section that runs under the road between my house and the neighbors.
They eventually got around to digging up my front lawn also.
They tied a rope and the new line to the broken line and used the digging shovel to pull the new line under the road and up on our side.
When they had everything hooked up and running again, they did "repair" my front lawn... but i fear it will never be the same again!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
It's Time!
As this posts, we are heading to the hospital go get things started!
I completed the last stitches on the Big Brother and New Baby quilts.... just in time!

Big Brother loves to carry around his receiving blankets. And I have to tuck several of them around him when he sleeps over... So I used my AccuQuilt Studio Cutter and cut them up and re-stitched them with some additional flannels into one bigger blanket... easier for tucking!
For the new baby, I chose this sweet farm animal print. Mom couldn't give me a color scheme, but I thought these "neutral" colors would match most anything she chose.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Birthday Boy's Hero
Last week was my grandson's fourth birthday.
In December, his aunt (my youngest daughter) decided she wanted to learn decorative cake baking...
We all think she did a wonderful job!
Last year it was Scooby Doo...
this year Sponge Bob...
I wonder who his hero will be next year!
Friday, May 3, 2013
I'm a Winner!
I opened up my email this morning to find this:
Congratulations, HelenMarie! You're a winner of a copy of 100 Blocks! Would you please send me your address so I can get it in the mail to you? Thank you!
- Elizabeth
Elizabeth Dackson
Congratulations, HelenMarie! You're a winner of a copy of 100 Blocks! Would you please send me your address so I can get it in the mail to you? Thank you!
- Elizabeth
Elizabeth Dackson
Thank you Elizabeth! I can't wait for my copy to arrive!
Be sure to go over to and join the blog hop, visit and comment on the partipating blogs for your chance to win a variety of prizes!
You may get lucky... like me!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Totals 2013 - April

I made progress on my Orca Bay (needing to cut fabric for 42 more hourglass blocks) and Florabunda quilts (all parts are cut and complete... now to stitch them all together! I cut fabric for the remaining SIS blocks for my Easy Street pieced border and I was thrilled to locate another 3 yards of the purple fabric for my final border.
And, silly me... I started another new project! My monthly wednesday sewing group decided to make a Spring wall hanging together. I've almost completed the background and will begin preparing the applique flowers this weekend.
.....08.....customer tops quilted (YTD 23).....02.....customer quilts bound (YTD 08)
.....00.....flimsy completed waiting for quilting ( 4 )
.....03.....quilted flimsy (YTD 9 )
......15..hand-work hours (62 YTD )
Lucky Charms wall hanging (1/21/13)
Basket Sampler Welcome wall hanging (2/15/13)
Knitted afghan (3/20/13)
Scrap Mania quilt (3/19/13)
Orange/Blue Jelly Roll quilt (3/18/13)
Hope Academy Banner (3/27/13)
New Baby quilt (3/22/13)
Baltimore Album (4/5/13)
Civil War Snowball (4/5/13)
Bonnie Projects
.....00.....cheddar bowties blocks hand-pieced YTD 0 ... 81 of 162 in 2012)
.....00.....cheddar bowtie rows stitched (YTD 0 .... 9 of 18 in 2012)
.....49.....Orca Bay Step 1 hourglass blocks made (YTD 49 plus 21 in 2012) total 70 of 112 )
....done.....Orca Bay Step 2 3.5in string blocks made (completed in 2012 )
....done.....Orca Bay Step 3 2in HSTs (YTD 55 plus120 in 2012) total 175
.....done....Orca Bay Step 4 5.5in string blocks (YTD 08 plus 24 of 32 in 2012) total 32
.....00.....Orca Bay Step 5 cut 350 triangles and stitch to part 3 (0 of 175)
.....00.....Orca Bay Step 6 cut 2.5in squares and assemble Ohio Stars (0)
.....01.....Floribunda Blocks (13 YTD).... with parts completed to assemble 7 more blocks
..............Talkin Turkey..... 2 blocks complete plus parts
..............Midnight Flight....1 block complete plus parts
..............Winston Ways... 2 blocks complete plus parts
..............Easy Street Steps 1-8 Completed in 2012
.....00.....Easy Street inner border cut and attached
.....32.... Easy Street 2nd border: square in square blocks (108 of 116 YTD
............. Easy Street final purple border
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