Friday, June 8, 2012

Nana Duty

Nana is on duty again this weekend.  Picked him up from daycare yesterday and we had a great evening together.    Apple, 1/2 banana, cherries, strawberries for snack... He didn't want to walk Toby tonight... maybe tomorrow.  Chicken nuggets with ketchup! and coleslaw for dinner and a chocolate chip cookie with milk for dessert!    He helped me "cook"  putting the sliced cabbage into the dressing and stirring the coleslaw.  We watched Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King, had a nice bubble bath and he "read"  four stories to monkey and me... Llama Llama, Little Pony, Corduroy Bear and The Very Noisy Night!.... and the Llama Llama one more time for good measure.   He wouldn't sleep in his "pretty bed" last night... even with the night light it was too dark!??  Oh well, we hauled the crib mattress into my room and he slept on the floor next to me.  Unfortunately he did a lot of tossing and turning in his sleep so I didn't sleep well.... and then he was up at 5AM!!! UUGGHH!

He ate his cheerios and milk... with a few more cherries! while I ate my eggs.  Then big boy went to his room and got dressed by himself!  He chose well... denim shorts and a black t-shirt... and everything was on right-side out and facing front! LOL.  His mom says they are working on tying shoes.. you know... criss-cross apple sauce... make two bunny ears and tie them tight! .... but he wanted nothing to do with that this morning and left it for me to do... glad he's not too grown up yet!

We grabbed a "juice to go" (a capri sun packet) and his monkey and his car and off to "Miss Diana's House" (daycare) by 6:30am!  I stopped to do the grocery shopping on the way home, unloaded and put everything away, a load of laundry started, dinner in the crock-pot, kitchen dishes cleaned up, beds made and now I'm heading out for 3 miles with Toby....

I think I'll take a nap when I get home!

1 comment:

  1. I need a nap just from reading your post. LOL
    Enjoy your week end.
