I started this afghan three years ago as a tv watching - keep my hands busy project. I love the teal color and haven't seen a yarn this color before (the picture doesn't do it justice). The pattern is called King Charles Brocade.
I did two rows of double crochet around the edge... couldn't remember how to do the scalloped edging that I normally have done in the past. (sigh)
I added an additonal border to my Basket Sampler Wall Hanging to make it better fit my wall. I'm in the process of blanket stitching the wording.... one step closer to a finish!
I spent most of yesterday cleaning up and organizing my sewing room. I can now see my cutting table top! I have now formed a plan for borders for my Easy Street quilt (with help from my online friend Cindy and EQ7).
One block complete.... 115 to go!
This was a groundbreaking week for my daughter and grandson as they began work on their first new home.