She is an Alden's Model 139 made in Tokyo Japan 1949-1953
She is a DeLuxe model with a knee pedal.
She is in good working condition... except for that belt that was cracked and broke in transit.
Ted ... my repairman... came by today and took a look at Alena. I thought it was just a slow running machine... turns out there was the equivalent of a spool of thread wrapped around the shaft and bobbin shaft too! Once that thread was removed he showed me how to oil her and she purrs like a kitten. She has a very nice zig zag stitch too! She is a High Left Shank machine (the needle is way left) so getting a quarter inch seam for quilting may be difficult. Ted is going to try and locate a guide attachment that will screw into one of those holes on the base.
I am very happy with my purchase!